Market Analysis

The best method in which to obtain market information on business services and the providers that offer the services that may be specific to you or the type of company you are trying to start is through the This is mainly, used for trying to sell services beyond the United States, which the company is planning to eventually do. There are currently 37 top business and marketing services that are trending now (Entrepreneur, n.d.).

A few of these services the S.W.A. Incorporated is currently offering. Since the economy is now doing much better than it was when the company first started, this drives tot eh very reason that the business is thinking of areas to expand and grow. First, we will target the web design industry, as it is the company’s initial source of income. In the past few years, the web design industry has increased quite drastically it has grown by 6.1% and is now generating revenue of about $34 billion. The number of web-design service companies in 2018 grew by 4.4% and employees for the industry increased by 4.7% (IBISWORLD, 2018).

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