This is a new age, and, in this time, the internet is every businesses best friend. The first marketing strategy for the company what product or service will attract your initial customer base? The company’s main selling point and proven record of success is will be your key driver for marketing, this will be the first promotional tool to use in the marketing sector. The company should first focus on social media platforms. Marketing efforts should involve methods that help drive traffic to the corporate website through awareness. By creating a link between marketing initiatives and the strategic partnerships formed by and between other businesses or that are already formed will drive the desired result to obtain repeat, loyal customers. Your company should use a variety of marketing tools including all marketing methods through your web hosting server or website provider. Utilize web advertising, other marketing programs such as social media and ad-words. Hiring a Marketing Director who will handle Public relations and form strong strategic alliances to help drive sales is another way to drive traffic. Below you will find a methods for marketing, driving traffice and driving slaes: Grassroots Marketing. One of the worlds best marketing practices is via word-of-mouth, which drives the promotion of new marketing campaigns. This is especially important in the early stages of the launch of a new business, brand, product, or service. Targeting a variety of online sectors that will have a high number of web users interested in serives or products you offer. This should include areas that are, built around specific topics geared toward your specific brand of product. Internet Advertising. Company's can market via banners ads on high traffic sites to increase awareness of our products and services. This advertising should specifically target your main demographic audience. Utilize keyword advertising slots in top search engines. Such keywords should be words that speak to your specific brand, product, or service. These keywords will essentially be just a few of the many keywords that are going to be used during marketing to help run top ads via search engines. Online Affiliation. Work with affiliated partners by placing various promotional ads on the strategic partner’s websites. These advertisements created will be in the form of small banners that encourage readers to click, visit, and browse your website. In exchange for advertising, strategic partners can be given a percentage of the revenue that is generated from users going through the partner’s website. The typical amount of revenue is usually anywhere between 5-10% of the transaction. The percentage payout should only be paid out if the customer enters the website from the affiliate company, which should be tracked through back office software. You can also use assisted technology from the affiliate websites to help prove the accuracy of traffic.
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